Recent Stories

Heart & vascular screenings: What’s the difference?

Heart & vascular screenings: What’s the difference?

They are two distinct screenings, but both are important to your health
Simon Floss 5 min read
Heart surgeries connect Bismarck couple married 60+ years

Heart surgeries connect Bismarck couple married 60+ years

Both Vern & Claudia Krebs have had procedures with same Sanford doctor
Jason Anschutz 5 min read
Sitting is the new smoking: ‘Truly a silent killer’

Sitting is the new smoking: ‘Truly a silent killer’

Sitting for long periods can cause health problems including heart disease and cancer
SHN Staff 6 min read
There is a season for heart disease, study says

There is a season for heart disease, study says

Even people in milder climates may be affected by seasonal changes
Courtney Collen 8 min read
Men’s health: Gearing up for a healthier tomorrow

Men’s health: Gearing up for a healthier tomorrow

Your toolbox for staying healthy and active at all ages
SHN Staff 7 min read
Peripheral vascular disease: Answers to common questions

Peripheral vascular disease: Answers to common questions

Knowing signs and getting treatment can lower your risk for complications
Mick Garry 11 min read
How to combat vitamin D deficiency during short winter days

How to combat vitamin D deficiency during short winter days

Vitamin D is an important nutrient for healthy bones, muscles and metabolism
Katie Foutz 4 min read
Preparation key to preventing injury while shoveling snow

Preparation key to preventing injury while shoveling snow

Warm up and watch your posture to reduce the risks from a winter chore
Michelle Erpenbach 4 min read
Cardiac rehab a surprise Rx for former teacher

Cardiac rehab a surprise Rx for former teacher

Calcium score solves mystery chest pain in otherwise fit 79-year-old
Mick Garry 7 min read
Sanford USD is nationally recognized for stroke care

Sanford USD is nationally recognized for stroke care

American Heart Association presents multiple awards for lifesaving stroke patient care
Megan Jensen 4 min read