Recent Stories

Veteran with cancer from toxic exposure still serving others

Veteran with cancer from toxic exposure still serving others

Ahead of treatment, Capt. Paul Weckman shaves head to raise funds and awareness
Matt Holsen 10 min read
VA Health undersecretary to join rural health summit

VA Health undersecretary to join rural health summit

Summit on the Future of Rural Health Care takes place Oct. 29 in Sioux Falls, SD
Paul Heinert 5 min read
Air Force planner uses SkillBridge to land Sanford career

Air Force planner uses SkillBridge to land Sanford career

Program helps military service members transition from active duty to civilian work
Matt Holsen 5 min read
Sanford Health named top non-profit for veterans

Sanford Health named top non-profit for veterans

2024 Military Friendly Brands list recognizes best employers for veterans & spouses
Paul Heinert 3 min read
Sanford scholarship now available for military members, vets

Sanford scholarship now available for military members, vets

Sanford Health is accepting applications until Sept. 30 for four $5,000 awards
Shawn Neisteadt 4 min read
Fargo leukemia patient using multiple services at RMCC

Fargo leukemia patient using multiple services at RMCC

Four years after bone marrow transplant, Michelle Reitan continues to improve
Jason Anschutz 5 min read
Brotherhood of veterans serves at Sanford AirMed

Brotherhood of veterans serves at Sanford AirMed

Bismarck rotary wing hangar was a natural landing zone for longtime colleagues
Jason Anschutz 8 min read
Society strives to be top veterans’ employer, care provider

Society strives to be top veterans’ employer, care provider

Half of residents at Iowa long-term care location served in the military
Matt Holsen 5 min read
Emergency prep is everyday work for Army reservist

Emergency prep is everyday work for Army reservist

Sgt. Liz Kodet, emergency management specialist, is Sanford’s Veteran of the Year
Matt Holsen 7 min read
Scholar serves community in health care & military

Scholar serves community in health care & military

Meet a recipient of the 2023 Sanford Health Military and Veteran Scholarship
Matt Holsen 7 min read