
AMA president on improving patient, provider experience

AMA president on improving patient, provider experience

13 min  ⋅ December 4th
Podcast: To keep physicians in rural areas, change Medicare and employ AI, says Dr. Bruce Scott
Rural doctor and farmer relates to her patients

Rural doctor and farmer relates to her patients

48 min  ⋅ November 21st
Podcast: ‘I know the sacrifices they make to get here,’ says Dr. Elizabeth Brown
Former FDA commissioner writes health care’s next chapter

Former FDA commissioner writes health care’s next chapter

38 min  ⋅ November 13th
Podcast: Medicine that’s worth investing in, according to Dr. Scott Gottlieb
How to become nationally recognized for quality care

How to become nationally recognized for quality care

13 min  ⋅ September 4th
Podcast: Senior care location in Minnesota is an example to the rest of the country
Leaders share keys to retaining the senior care workforce

Leaders share keys to retaining the senior care workforce

15 min  ⋅ August 6th
Podcast: Experienced caregivers mentor new employees and celebrate milestones together
Vaccinations help older adults stay stronger for longer

Vaccinations help older adults stay stronger for longer

10 min  ⋅ July 16th
Podcast: Immunization, education efforts among residents and staff lead to less illness
Creating healthy communities at work is an ongoing process

Creating healthy communities at work is an ongoing process

14 min  ⋅ June 18th
Podcast: "Happiness is a sense of contribution," says author Eric Termuende
How to begin the talk about assisted living

How to begin the talk about assisted living

55 min  ⋅ June 6th
Podcast: Nursing consultant recommends visiting and choosing a location before you need it
An economist takes the pulse of today’s health care economy

An economist takes the pulse of today’s health care economy

11 min  ⋅ June 4th
Podcast: Tech-dependent care teams will be essential to meeting future demand
Stadium announcer loses speech, recovers from stroke

Stadium announcer loses speech, recovers from stroke

23 min  ⋅ May 13th
Podcast: Randy Preston, voice of Sioux Falls Canaries and more, benefits from ‘BE FAST’
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