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Man fundraises for research-study inspiration: his daughter

Man fundraises for research-study inspiration: his daughter

Friedreich's ataxia can't be stopped yet, but two men have formed a bond trying
Jane Thaden Lawson 37 min read
Heart research: Two lab leaders share common goal, spirit

Heart research: Two lab leaders share common goal, spirit

Dr. Michelle Baack, Dr. Randy Faustino on collaborative, complementary paths
Jane Thaden Lawson 18 min read
Specialty clinic team serves as resource for little people

Specialty clinic team serves as resource for little people

Patients with skeletal dysplasia, or dwarfism, who benefit include Marielle, 10
Jane Thaden Lawson 14 min read
Athletic sudden collapse could be serious heart condition

Athletic sudden collapse could be serious heart condition

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is common genetic heart condition
Jane Thaden Lawson 10 min read
Rewriting human DNA: The evolution of engineering genes

Rewriting human DNA: The evolution of engineering genes

CRISPR is a genetic cut and paste tool, say Sanford genetic counselors
Ashley Schwab 9 min read
Pediatric geneticist Gene Hoyme’s influence spans globe

Pediatric geneticist Gene Hoyme’s influence spans globe

S.D. native helped Sanford in pediatrics, research, Imagenetics, World Clinic
Jane Thaden Lawson 28 min read
Using DNA to trace a family tree

Using DNA to trace a family tree

Curious about your ancestry? Genetics can reveal health surprises, too
Ashley Schwab 4 min read
Veterans health innovators learn from Sanford Imagenetics

Veterans health innovators learn from Sanford Imagenetics

Free genetic testing program touted at VHA Innovation Experience (iEx) meeting
Katie Foutz 3 min read
Genetics helps find causes of mental illness

Genetics helps find causes of mental illness

Geneticists can help ID family history, medicine choices and causes of symptoms
Ashley Schwab 5 min read
Students use game technology to rethink health challenges

Students use game technology to rethink health challenges

Sanford Health Tech Summit gives college teams 24 hours to complete designs
Michelle Erpenbach 4 min read