Recent Stories

Hospital rehab ‘gets patients back to their life’

Hospital rehab ‘gets patients back to their life’

Sanford has specialized in recovery from surgery, illness & injury for 30 years
Mick Garry 14 min read
Respiratory therapists find home at Sanford Health

Respiratory therapists find home at Sanford Health

With more jobs than applicants in Midwest, Sanford recruits farther west
Mick Garry 7 min read
ALS patient can now make a stand at Sanford Chamberlain

ALS patient can now make a stand at Sanford Chamberlain

New physical therapy device will help patients with neurological issues
Mick Garry 6 min read
Rehab work, positive attitude give stroke patient life back

Rehab work, positive attitude give stroke patient life back

'If you want to get better, you have to want to work'
Jane Thaden Lawson 8 min read
Athletic trainer helps keep ankle injury from ending season

Athletic trainer helps keep ankle injury from ending season

An ankle injury interrupted but didn't stop basketball player Troy Hilz
Alexandra Johnson 7 min read
Cupping and dry needling in physical therapy help with pain

Cupping and dry needling in physical therapy help with pain

'I could feel the improvement right away' as cupping helped lower back pain
Mick Garry 9 min read
Cancer patient, 12, gets one last fishing trip — at hospital

Cancer patient, 12, gets one last fishing trip — at hospital

Sanford Health and state agency quickly pulled off surprise for boy & family
Jane Thaden Lawson 19 min read
Anti-gravity treadmill promotes healing with weightlessness

Anti-gravity treadmill promotes healing with weightlessness

By protecting weaker tissue, technology helps all ages and experience levels
Michelle Erpenbach 4 min read
Adaptive sports program provides fitness, fellowship

Adaptive sports program provides fitness, fellowship

Archery, kayaking, sled hockey allow veterans of all abilities to participate
Mick Garry 9 min read
Physical therapy helps young children reach milestones

Physical therapy helps young children reach milestones

Looking at Halle Houchins' 'whole system' helps pinpoint methods to try
Jane Thaden Lawson 15 min read