Sanford Health joins ‘world of hearts’ movement

Children's hospital staff & patients spread positivity amid COVID-19 uncertainty

Sanford Health joins ‘world of hearts’ movement

In a time where negativity surrounds us all, a message of positivity comes from Sanford hospitals, including the Sanford Castle.

“We really looked at, how can we lift the spirts and really uplift each other as a staff, and support each other right now?” said manager of child life services Carrie Kindopp.

Kindopp and staff at the Sanford Children’s Hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, decided to spruce up the skywalk windows with messages of positivity.

Joining the movement

Kindopp says that she and her staff had seen the #aworldofhearts movement globally, as well as throughout the Sanford enterprise, and knew they had to join in.

The first Sanford hospital to get involved in #aworldofhearts was in Bismarck, North Dakota. Fargo, Brookings, Aberdeen, Chamberlain, and Sioux Falls soon followed.

The movement encourages people do decorate their windows with hearts and positive messages.

“What we wanted to do to raise the spirits of our staff and patients really went hand in hand with what ‘a world of hearts’ is all about,” said Kindopp.

Support from patients

At first, the decorating was done by just the staff, but over time, patients of the hospital wanted to join in on the fun, and throw their support to those on the front lines.

“What’s been really neat about that as well, is that our patients are writing messages of encouragement and support for our staff. They’re really rallying around and supporting us while we’re caring for them at the same time. It’s pretty remarkable.”

Kindopp says the patient support has made an already tightly-knit staff even more inspired.

“I think it just unifies us as a staff. Even just putting the message together on our skywalk really translates that we do work together as a team. We always have, we always will. I think now more than ever, we need to be there for each other so we can be there for our patients and families. That’s what it’s all about.”

Looking out for each other

This serves as a reminder that although we’re wading through uncertain waters, none of us are alone, according to Kindopp.

“Offer each other love, support, grace, and kindness during this time. Know that we’re not alone in this. We’re all in this together.”

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Posted In Aberdeen, Brookings, Chamberlain, Community, COVID-19, Sioux Falls, Wellness