Recent Stories

Researcher earns $2M grant to study prenatal brain growth

Researcher earns $2M grant to study prenatal brain growth

Sanford Research scientists hope to determine how neurons develop inside the brain
Jon Berg 3 min read
Sanford receives $2M grant to study brain abnormalities

Sanford receives $2M grant to study brain abnormalities

Researchers hope to determine how antenna-like cilia regulate the brain and behavior
Jon Berg 4 min read
Three children in ND family diagnosed with same rare disease

Three children in ND family diagnosed with same rare disease

Nadeau family learned about moyamoya disease after young son’s stroke
Jason Anschutz 6 min read
Sanford USD is nationally recognized for stroke care

Sanford USD is nationally recognized for stroke care

American Heart Association presents multiple awards for lifesaving stroke patient care
Megan Jensen 4 min read
Sanford surgeons team up to remove patient’s rare tumor

Sanford surgeons team up to remove patient’s rare tumor

Hearing loss was only symptom of acoustic neuroma for Minnesota man
Jason Anschutz 4 min read
Sanford Fargo is nationally recognized for stroke care

Sanford Fargo is nationally recognized for stroke care

American Heart Association presents multiple awards for lifesaving stroke patient care
Nathan Aamodt 4 min read
West Nile virus: An annual threat from mosquitoes

West Nile virus: An annual threat from mosquitoes

About 1 in 5 people infected experience flu-like symptoms
SHN Staff 7 min read
Dedicated husband, volunteer perks up long-term care center

Dedicated husband, volunteer perks up long-term care center

Award-winning volunteer Howard Lacey runs daily coffee hour where his wife lives
Matt Holsen 7 min read
Stroke victim saved by quick-thinking neighbor

Stroke victim saved by quick-thinking neighbor

John Schmitt collapsed while doing yard work with a neighbor, who called 911
Mick Garry 4 min read
Hearing implant helps Sanford employee after years of issues

Hearing implant helps Sanford employee after years of issues

Bone conduction implant allows for better hearing when surgeries, traditional hearing aids did not
Jason Anschutz 7 min read