It has never been more important to make sure you’re covered with health insurance.
That’s according to Rochelle Myers who is vice president of Sanford Health Plan operations at Sanford Health. She joined Sanford Health News for a Facebook Live Q&A on Dec. 2.
Watch: Sanford Health Plan Q&A on Facebook, Dec. 2
As the open enrollment deadline looms, Myers said now is the time to make a plan for the year 2021.
“Health insurance fundamentally is about providing stability and peace of mind to people and their families,” Myers said. “You usually don’t think about it until you need it. Where we are with the pandemic, all of the testing, hospitalizations for conditions they never would have had before and certainly what will come after COVID and the unknown, what does that future of health look like? Having health insurance is so critical to cover all those costs you would take for granted if you were healthy.”
Myers said the open enrollment period is a great opportunity for individuals and families to really step back and take a look at their options, keeping in mind the end of open enrollment will depend on where you live:
- If you live in South Dakota and you’re purchasing insurance on the exchange, the deadline is Dec. 15.
- If you live in South Dakota and you’re purchasing off the exchange, through a broker or health insurance company, the deadline is Dec. 31.
- If you live in North Dakota, the deadline is Dec. 15 whether you are purchasing on or off the exchange.
Learn more: How Sanford Health Plan supports members through the pandemic
If you’re wondering about whether your plan will cover the new COVID-19 vaccine, leaders say that will most likely be the case.
Sanford Health Plan continues to monitor the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and is awaiting guidance about coverage and member-cost sharing requirements. Leaders anticipate the guidance to be similar to COVID-19 testing where the member cost-share will be waived. Sanford Health Plan will provide more information to clients and members once it’s available.
In the meantime, find a health plan that’s right for you by visiting Sanford Health Plan. Speak with a customer service representative by calling (888) 752-5863.
Read more
- Find a health insurance plan that’s right for you
- COVID-19 FAQs: How do vaccines get developed and approved?
- Sanford Health Plan introduces short-term health coverage
Posted In COVID-19, Expert Q&A, Frequently Asked Questions, Health Plan, Wellness