Are the brutal sub-zero temperatures, blizzards and short days keeping your little ones cooped up indoors? If your kids are bored and wondering what to do in the winter, try treating their cabin fever with these fun winter activities.
Winter indoor activity ideas
- Indoor Ice Skating. Make indoor ice skates. Put plastic grocery sacks over your child’s feet and tie or tape them around your child’s ankles. Let your child know what area of the house is the skating pond. This activity works well with carpet and wood floors.
- Build a Fort. Grab some blankets, chairs and whatever else you can find and build a nice cozy fort. Bring in some books and a flashlight and do some reading together.
- Obstacle Course. Gather couch cushions, cardboard boxes and some random toys and take turns creating different obstacle courses to run, crawl and jump through. A big open area adds more fun to this adventure.
- Music & Dancing. Crank up some good dancing music and get your groove on. This is a good way to get the wiggles out and have some fun moving and grooving.
- Scavenger Hunt. Gather up some items you can hide around the house for your child to find. Create a guide for your child to use by drawing pictures of the items on a piece of paper. Draw the pictures yourself or draw them with your child. Ask your child to go to another room while you hide the items. Once they are all hidden let the search and find begin. Take turns as to who hides the items and who searches for the items.
- Balloon Ping Pong. All you need for this activity is a balloon (no helium required), two craft sticks and two paper plates. Glue or tape the paper plates onto the craft sticks so the sticks act as a handle. Blow up the balloon and bat the balloon back and forth using your new ping-pong paddles.
- Snow Dough. Make some snow dough out of eight cups of flour and one cup of baby oil (food coloring can be added if you want more colorful snow dough). Make snow sculptures or use cookie cutters, rolling pins, etc. to make pretend snow cookies. Store your snow dough in a plastic container.
Do not let the freezing temperatures put a chill on your winter fun. These indoor activities for kids will help keep the winter blues away.
Learn more
- Keeping your kids safe and warm in winter
- Kick boredom with healthy choices
- How to create simple science fun at home
Posted In Children's, Family Medicine, Parenting