Ever feel like life is out of control? Do you wonder if you’ve even accomplished anything in your day? You can bring some order to your life by establishing some routines. Routines can help you feel more in control of your day, which helps alleviate feelings of stress. The trick is to get your routines organized to make your life more organized, less stressful and more efficient.
Determine your routines by time of day
It is easier to organize routines into segments of your day – morning, afternoon and evening. Start by making a list of the tasks you generally must do at a specific time of the day. The sequence of your routine may vary, but the list of tasks within your day can provide a road map to sanity in your day.
Manage the necessary and unnecessary
Your routine and lists should be based on what works for you and your family. You need to consider what is necessary and what is a bonus in your day when establishing your expectations created by routines and lists. Your morning list might include showering, eating breakfast, selecting an outfit or preparing a lunch; all are likely necessities. Your evening list of necessary tasks might include an errand on the way home, clearing off your kitchen counters, reading a book with your child or fifteen quiet minutes for you. Once the necessary items are planned for, make a list of optional tasks – those to do when you have bonus time.
Consider trade-offs
What can move from your morning to evening routine? Maybe selecting your outfit for the next day can be switched. What about time for you? Does morning work better? Don’t let your planned routines hold you hostage. You have the right to be flexible within your schedule. This flexibility allows you to respond to your day and still be committed to what matters. By scheduling tasks for the times when you’ll be able to do them most efficiently, you’ll save time and frustration.
Adjust your mindset
Chaos is a part of everyone’s life. The way we handle it is an important key to creating a sense of balance in life. Here are some suggestions:
- Prioritize what is important for the day and what can wait until tomorrow.
- Stay calm when things get chaotic – take a deep breath and count to 10.
- Try to anticipate potential issues so fewer things surprise you during your day.
- Laugh at things that go wrong and find the humor in it.
- Chaos can be stressful or you can embrace the busy days of parenting.
- Reach out to others for help when you need it. Sanford Behavioral Health is here for you.
Giving yourself permission to acknowledge some chaos as normal and developing skills to embrace it in your day takes effort. There will always be days when the unexpected throws you for a loop.
But with some basic routines there to support you, you’ll find you’re able to feel less stressed and have more enjoyable days.
Learn more
- A routine can help the transition to work after having baby
- Kids with big emotions? Reach for these coping skills
- When you’re busy, even little kids get stressed out
Posted In Behavioral Health, Children's, Health Information, Healthy Living, Parenting