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Help your child choose healthy snack foods

Help your child choose healthy snack foods

Use red-light, yellow-light and green-light foods to rethink snack time
Sanford Fit 5 min read
Well child visits important for children of all ages

Well child visits important for children of all ages

These checkups cover milestones, vaccines, other timely health topics as kids grow
SHN Staff 10 min read
Preschool friendship: Social skills start in early childhood

Preschool friendship: Social skills start in early childhood

Learn how to encourage your little social butterfly to build early friendships
Parenting Services 4 min read
Vaccination FAQs and when kids need each shot

Vaccination FAQs and when kids need each shot

A pediatrician answers common questions about vaccine safety, side effects and schedules
Ellen Koester 8 min read
What you need to know about HPV

What you need to know about HPV

Learn about human papillomavirus: its causes, symptoms and how to prevent it
Jason Anschutz 8 min read
The differences between allergies and sinus infections

The differences between allergies and sinus infections

Feeling crummy? It might take a visit to an ear, nose and throat specialist
Simon Floss 4 min read
Fuel your kids for after school with healthy snacks

Fuel your kids for after school with healthy snacks

Get some extra energy before running off to practice, training or rehearsal
SHN Staff 5 min read
Mandan H.S. launches Sanford Sports psychology program

Mandan H.S. launches Sanford Sports psychology program

Partnership benefits athletes’ and coaches’ mental and behavioral health
Jason Anschutz 5 min read
Follow these backpack tips to help protect your child’s back

Follow these backpack tips to help protect your child’s back

Dr. Jared Daniel — a dad of teens — wants to prevent lower back pain in kids
Jane Thaden Lawson 9 min read
Sports physical can help parents spot health issues

Sports physical can help parents spot health issues

Student athletes, activity participants and parents learn from annual checkup
Mick Garry 6 min read