Sanford Health chiropractor: ‘Don’t ignore your pain’

Learn safe ways to continue your chiropractic care during COVID-19

Sanford Health chiropractor: ‘Don’t ignore your pain’

During the height of COVID-19 restrictions, chiropractic care felt the impacts of COVID-19 as fewer patients came in for regular services.

David Galloway, D.C., is a chiropractor at Sanford Health in Bagley and Bemidji, Minnesota, and specializes in treating musculoskeletal, joint and soft tissue disorders.

“Although chiropractic services were deemed essential, Minnesota and national associations recommended only seeing patients for acute or urgent care needs,” Dr. Galloway told Sanford Health News. “We initially saw a large drop and that was hard because you worry about your patients. We’re here to take care of them.”

As the restrictions are slowly lifted, he says the clinic is starting to see patients return for acute, chronic or any wellness-type care.

Continue your chiropractic care

“It’s important for patients to continue to come in for a care for a few different reasons,” Dr. Galloway said. “The main one is we don’t want small problems turning into bigger problems.”

Sometimes conditions that were once maintained under control, he says, can worsen over time and progress is lost. Pain and other symptoms can often be associated with an underlying medical condition including heart problems, nervous system conditions or cancer.

“If we left those problems untreated, they become more serious,” he said.

It’s safe to seek care, Dr. Galloway says, and it continues to be their No. 1 priority.

“All staff are having their temperatures checked daily while they are screened for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 before they enter the building,” he said. “Face masks are strongly encouraged and if you don’t have one, we will provide them.”

Remember wellness at home

While we’re at home most of the time, Dr. Galloway says it’s important to stay in tune with your wellness now more than ever.

“I’m encouraging my patients to eat a healthy diet. Now, you might be spending more time at home than ever before. Try some new recipes. Plant a garden. Physical activity is also big priority. Get out for a walk, ride a bike, exploring the parks and trails nearby.”

To continue your chiropractic care, visit, schedule through My Sanford Chart, or contact the Sanford Bemidji Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Center or the Sanford Bagley Clinic.

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Posted In Bemidji, Brain & Spine, COVID-19, Orthopedics, Specialty Care, Sports Medicine, Wellness