There are lots of things that come along with being pregnant. And while you might have prepared for most of them, you probably weren’t expecting to be a little extra gassy.
Suffering from gas is a common problem in pregnancy. The extra gas and intestinal issues happen for a couple of reasons. Throughout your pregnancy you have increased hormone levels, specifically progesterone. This increase in progesterone slows digestion, which provides more time for gas to be produced and build up. This can increase the likelihood of bloating, burping or (gasp!) farting. As your pregnancy progresses the uterus grows and crowds your intestines, which slows your digestion even more and increases your feelings of bloating.
So, are you doomed for embarrassment? No! There are things you can do to help reduce the build-up of gas. First of all, watch what you eat! There really are foods that increase gas such as fried and fatty foods, onions, cauliflower and cabbage. Some women may have other foods that affect their digestion. If something doesn’t sit well with your stomach, don’t eat it.
Next, don’t eat too much at once. Large heavy meals may increase problems with digestion so stick to small, frequent meals and snacks. Finally, get moving! Exercise, even activity as simple as a daily walk can help stimulate better digestion and decrease problems with gas.
Posted In Digestive Health, Health Information, Pregnancy, Women's