Once your baby starts moving, a new world of exploration begins. Babies are naturally curious and driven to explore to learn.
This curiosity can innocently get babies into unsafe situations. Babies don’t have the ability to know what is safe or unsafe; they just see places to explore and things to discover. It’s up to you to keep your baby safe.
Get down on your baby’s eye level and see what your baby sees; it’s amazing how many things your baby can get into.
Tips to keep your little explorer safe
- Babies put everything in their mouths and do it very quickly. Keep small objects out of your baby’s reach to prevent choking on them.
- Keep balloons out of your baby’s reach (inflated or uninflated). If a baby puts a balloon in his or her mouth and it pops, the baby can suffocate on a piece if it becomes lodged in their throat.
- Keep your purse out of your baby’s reach. Your purse has tiny objects to explore and potentially choke on.
- Make sure your baby’s toys are unbreakable and strong enough to withstand your baby’s chewing.
- Keep plastic bags (garbage, shopping and sandwich bags) out of your baby’s reach to prevent suffocation.
- Learn CPR and choking prevention skills.
Your baby can reach higher than you think
- Remove tablecloths to keep your baby from pulling things down on themselves.
- Make sure your baby cannot reach lamp or small appliance cords to pull objects down on themselves.
- Turn pot and pan handles on the stove to the back wall to prevent your baby from grabbing things that can burn them.
As your baby learns to crawl and walk
- Remove cords (i.e. toys and horizontal blinds) that could cause accidental strangulation.
- Cover outlets that may inspire your baby to poke and prod into tiny holes.
- Put protectors on sharp corners to prevent unwanted bumps and bruises.
- Put latches on cupboards and drawers to keep your little explorer out.
- Keep doors closed to prevent your baby’s curiosity from taking them to unsafe places to explore.
Provide your baby a space to freely explore. That’s how babies learn best. Remember, even the best childproofing doesn’t replace you keeping a watchful eye on your busy little explorer.
Helpful resource
Get a free safety kit. Call (605) 312-8390 or email Parenting Services for a personalized “Safe Home = Safe Family” consultation.
Learn more
- Keep kids safe: The ABCs of childhood injury prevention
- Babies learn while on the move
- Poison safety tips for parents with small children
Posted In Children's, Family Medicine, Parenting