Keep your child active and learning all summer long

Fun, simple activities to keep your child’s body and brain active this summer

Keep your child active and learning all summer long

It’s important to keep children of all ages learning and developing throughout the summer months.

For school-aged children this becomes especially important in order to lessen the potential of learning loss that can occur over the summer.

Summer learning loss varies across age groups and subject matter. Some research suggests that, on the average, children can lose about one month of learning over the summer. Enjoy your summer and encourage your child’s learning and physical activity with these fun outdoor activities:

Catch a firefly

There are several books for children of all ages to learn about fireflies. Extend what your child reads about to the outdoors. At nighttime, grab a jar and go on a firefly hunt. Research to find answers to questions like:

  • What do fireflies eat?
  • Where do fireflies live?
  • Why do fireflies light up?

Your child will be learning about life science while watching and catching fireflies.

Start a rock collection

Rock collections are another fun summertime activity. Take a walk with your child and discover how many different types of rocks you can find. Sort them into piles of:

  • Smooth
  • Rough
  • Different colors

Add a little fun by painting them to create a jar of colorful rocks. Provide your child a book about collecting rocks to extend the learning fun.

Fly a kite

On a windy day, go fly a kite. Talk to your child about how the wind keeps the kite in the air.

  • How high can it go?
  • What keeps it in the air?
  • What direction will it fly?

Your child can learn about science and meteorology while flying a kite.

Pack a picnic

Have your child help you choose healthy foods for a picnic lunch. Your child can learn math skills while portioning out the foods for the picnic. Also, while packing the lunch talk to your child about how healthy food choices help our:

  • Bodies have energy to move and play.
  • Brains have energy to think.
  • Muscles and bones grow strong.

Plant a garden

Your child can stay physically active keeping up a garden. You can use large flowerpots to create a garden to grow foods such as tomatoes, peppers and carrots. Your child can learn about:

  • Responsibility while watering and weeding the plants.
  • How plants produce food for us to eat.
  • The lifecycle of vegetables from seedling to food.

When children help grow the vegetables, the chances of children eating them is much higher.

Make this summer one that is filled with learning adventures and fun. For more fun ideas, check out

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Posted In Children's, Parenting