My Profile
Mick Garry
Mick Garry is a marketing content writer for Sanford Health. He has 30 years of experience working as a sportswriter in Minnesota and South Dakota with more than 28 of those years working at the Sioux Falls Argus Leader. He serves on the board of the Howard Wood Dakota Relays and the South Dakota Sports Hall of Fame. You can follow him at @mickgarry5 or reach him at (605) 312-4337 /
Palliative care offers comfort and support during treatment
Women’s college basketball player is back on the court
A parent’s guide to fevers: Notes from a pediatrician
Sanford opens virtual care center as rural health hub
COVID-19 FAQ: How often do you need a COVID shot?
What is SAD and how do you cope?
Farmer in hospice takes one last trip to the farm
What to do when a loved one is diagnosed with dementia
What patients ask about hysterectomy
Mammogram results are in. Now what?