Each child is unique when it comes to the perfect time to make the move to the “big bed.” While there are exceptions, most children should transition out of the crib between 18 months and 3 years of age. The right time is different for each child and each family. If your child is able to crawl out of their crib, then they should move into a bed for their safety. Additionally, some families choose to make the move so the crib can be used for a sibling.
Picking the right bed
There are several options for the type of bed to move your toddler to. Many cribs have the ability to transition to a toddler bed by lowering the mattress and removing one of the railings. Only do this if your crib was specially designed for it. The crib mattress can be moved to the ground as a temporary option. Additionally, toddler beds are available. They fit crib sized mattresses and are close to the floor. They are a good fit for families with small spaces but are not necessary. Toddlers can be transitioned directly to a twin or full-sized bed. These can be placed directly on the floor. If they are used on a frame then rails should be placed on both sides to ensure your child’s safety. Even if the bed is up against a wall it is recommended to use a rail on both sides to prevent your child from becoming stuck between the wall and the mattress.
Let’s talk
Before you make the transition discuss it with your little one. Let them know the change is coming and incorporate them in the process of the transition. Let them help pick out new bedding. When it is time for the change, work to make this the only transition they are undergoing. Avoid making this change while potty training, starting a new school or daycare or at the time of a new sibling’s birth. If a new sibling is coming along try to transition to the new bed at least two months ahead of the baby’s arrival. Let them help you set up the new bed. Avoid simply moving the crib to another room. Try to disassemble it so it is not something your child can see anymore. If possible place the new bed where the crib previously was positioned (you can rearrange later). Double check your toddler’s room to make sure it is child proof. If you haven’t already, this is a good time to make sure dressers are secure and outlets are covered as your little one will have more access to their room than ever before.
Keep the routine
For the first night’s sleep in the new bed try to maintain the same bedtime routine as before. This can help your child feel like this is a normal transition. Move comfort items such as blankets and stuffed animals to the new bed. Avoid lying in bed with your child. This isn’t something you did with them in the crib and if you introduce the idea with the new bed it may become difficult to break that habit. Encourage your child’s accomplishment in this transition and let them know how proud you are of their achievement of being “a big kid.”
Inevitably, your little one will start exploring their new freedom. It is common for them to get out of their bed frequently. Work to have positive reinforcement as your focus. Avoid rewards for getting out of bed, such as allowing an extra story, extra drink or time in your bed. Reward them for a good night staying put. Sticker charts can be very effective at this age! Once they have stayed put a few nights celebrate your child’s accomplishment and get ready for the next transition.
Posted In Children's, Health Information, Women's