Good Samaritan Society is ready to help you enjoy a life that’s maintenance-free. Independent living options at the Society bring services that fit the unique needs of every resident.
Gaining more freedom
Gone are the long afternoons spent on yard work and home repairs. Those activities can be costly and a potential health risk.
“For some it means the freedom to do what they want when they want to do it. The services we provide allows for our residents to focus on those things that bring them the most joy. With that added benefit of being supported by a group of peers that often share similar interests and goals,” Shane Knutson, Good Samaritan Society Director of Operations for Senior Living, says.
Liz Stadem lives at The Lodge at Good Samaritan Society – Prairie Creek in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She loves meeting her friends at devotion at the chapel down the hallway.
“I love to come here to be with the others to worship and thank God for a new day,” Liz says.
Chaplains at many Society locations provide daily devotionals to promote spiritual growth and encouragement during the pandemic.
Staying safe and healthy during the pandemic
Liz has been wearing a mask in the common areas at her location during the pandemic and taking other precautions. She’s also excited to be one of the first in the country to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
“Oh yes, that’s wonderful. Think of all my friends here who will be safe,” Liz says.
Shane says the Society’s integration with Sanford Health brings forward many advantages for residents and staff.
“As a result of this relationship, we have access to the best and most up-to-date information that we share with our residents. In addition, we continue to use the knowledge of our clinicians and infection control staff to put into practice prevention protocols intended to keep our residents and staff safe,” Shane says.
Residents staying safe yet active is important to Shane and staff members across the country. Living with a purpose and near friends and neighbors can be uplifting.
“I think for many of our residents, this would be a more difficult time if they were facing these challenges without this support system,” Shane says.
Keeping residents active
Keeping your mind and body in tune right now is important. Jennifer Batesel, Director of Marketing, Sales and Development at Good Samaritan Society – Mountain Home in Arkansas, says her residents have fun working together in small groups.
“We are drumming! Beating to the tune with noodles, drum sticks and fly swatters on big old ball drums,” Jennifer says.
It’s just one of the many activities taking place in the Mountain Home wellness center.
“They have a blast and let the music and small group atmosphere lead them into staying active and limber,” Jennifer says.
Residents at Good Samaritan Society – Denton Village in Denton, Texas, are participating in virtual workout classes. They’re also able to expand their minds with noncredit courses through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes.
“Wellness is fundamental to maximizing our life experiences. We take pride in providing activities and services that promote wellness in our residents,” Shane says.
The Society is also providing more basic services like meals and housekeeping to keep you healthy.
Transportation in and around communities can open new doors, giving residents new choices.
“I think the real beauty of living in our senior living communities are the opportunities to use our services as a means to more freedom and independence,” Shane says.
To learn more, find a Good Samaritan Society community near you.
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Posted In COVID-19, Senior Services