Member Directory

Brennen Rupp is a copywriter at Sanford Health. He has 10-plus years of sports journalism experience that included stops in Montana, Colorado, Minnesota and South Dakota.

Spencer Thompson is a senior copywriter at Sanford Health.

David Brown is a senior media relations specialist at Sanford Health. You can reach him on the Sioux Falls region/corporate headquarters phone at (605) 366-2432 or email

Hailey Schmidt is a copywriter at Sanford Health.

Dr. Lance Lee is a faculty member in the Pediatric and Rare Diseases Group at Sanford Research, where he oversees the research projects in the Lee Lab with ongoing interests in cilia biology and the genetic and molecular basis of primary ciliary dyskinesia. Learn more.

Dr. Avish Nagpal practices internal medicine, specializing in infectious disease and travel and tropical medicine at Sanford Health in Fargo, North Dakota.

Megan Jensen is a senior media relations specialist at Sanford Health. You can reach her on the Sioux Falls/corporate headquarters media line at (605) 366-2432 or email