Choosing the right behavioral health care provider

At Sanford Health, mental health care is as accessible as physical health care

Choosing the right behavioral health care provider

Seeking care for stress and anxiety can cause a little of both.

At Sanford Health, it’s a simple process with a simple message:

If someone feels they’re an immediate danger to themselves or someone else, call 911.

If you have concerns about your emotional health or that of a loved one, do not hesitate to contact your Sanford Health provider.

“Call your primary care provider for a referral or directly call or message Sanford Behavioral Health,” said Sarah Tarutis, a psychiatric nurse practitioner at Bemidji Behavioral Health Clinic.

This initial conversation can start with a phone call to a Sanford clinic or a virtual visit to Sanford Health’s website. At the website, visitors can find phone numbers and information on clinic providers and locations.

Find a location: Sanford Behavioral Health services near you

“We will help you figure it out,” Tarutis said. “If you don’t have a primary provider, I’d encourage you to establish one. Your physical and your mental health are interrelated. We’re ready to help you be your best you.”

Behavioral health options

Sanford Health has a range of behavioral health specialists available. This includes psychiatrists and advanced practice psychiatric nurses, psychologists, and therapists who work both in individual and group settings and with all age groups. These conversations can take place in person, over the phone or via an e-visit.

It all begins with a commitment to seeking help, of course. That starts with a sensitivity to symptoms that might warrant attention.

“If you have thoughts that you’d like to hurt yourself, or that you’re just completely hopeless, or you have fears or worries that persist, that can indicate a reason to come in,” Tarutis said.

“Maybe you’re not sleeping or eating well for a few weeks, or you are experiencing an increase in stress from chronic health conditions like diabetes or heart disease. Dealing with the threat of the coronavirus has also played a role in intensifying stress, anxiety, and depression. When thoughts, emotions and behaviors start affecting our relationships, work, our sense of well-being or quality of life it’s time to reach out.”

Providing physical and behavioral care

Above all, there is no reason to be embarrassed or hesitant.

“We are here to help,” Tarutis said. “We practice safe guidelines for patient care and we prioritize your health and well-being. “

The main thing to remember, Tarutis said, is that Sanford Health provides both physical and behavioral care and is well-suited to collaborate when someone’s health needs may be interrelated.

“We want to help you with your chronic and acute conditions,” she said. “It’s something we at Sanford can do as a team.”

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Posted In Allied Health, Behavioral Health, Bemidji, Physicians and APPs, Thief River Falls