Myth or fact: What you need to know about epidurals

Learn the facts about epidurals.

Myth or fact: What you need to know about epidurals

There are many ways to control pain during childbirth, but one of the most well known is the epidural. But thanks to movies and TV shows, there are a number of misconceptions out there about epidurals. We’re here to set the record straight.

Myth: Epidurals can cause permanent back pain or paralysis in the mother.
Fact: Serious complications from an epidural, including paralysis, are extremely rare. Some women have discomfort in the lower back (where the catheter was inserted) for a few hours or days after the epidural, but this usually doesn’t last longer than a day.

Myth: Epidurals can harm the baby.
Fact: In Toledo’s study, published last year in the “International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia,” women expressed concern that an epidural could cause cerebral palsy or be harmful to the baby. No evidence or research corroborates these concerns. Additionally, the amount of medication that reaches the baby from the epidural is so small it doesn’t cause harm.

Myth: Epidurals can slow down labor or increase the risk of having a cesarean section.
Fact: There is no credible evidence that an epidural slows down labor or increases your risk of having a C-section. If a woman has a C-section, other factors usually are at play, including having a very large baby or slow progression of labor due to other issues. In fact, epidurals can often provide women with an opportunity to relax, which can provide them rest for pushing later in the delivery process.

Myth: An epidural can interfere with the birth experience.
Fact: Some women express fear that their legs will be numb and they won’t be able to walk, feel a contraction or push properly. Walking generally is not recommended immediately after the epidural is placed. Epidural procedures have improved significantly in the last 20 years, and you’ll receive enough medication to relieve the pain without taking away your ability to move. Furthermore, the epidural medications will not cause you to be groggy or tired. Many women will feel pressure instead of pain with their contractions. This will help you to push effectively.

Myth: There’s a limited window of time when you can get an epidural.
Fact: You can get an epidural any time during your labor, depending upon what you and your doctor have discussed and what your pain management goals are.

Be sure to discuss any concerns you might have with your OB/GYN or anesthesiologist as each woman is unique.

Posted In Health Information, Women's