First babies born at Sanford Health in 2018

First babies born at Sanford Health in 2018

The new year brings a lot of firsts. One of the most exciting each year is the first babies born at Sanford Health. Take a look at the newest tiny patients in each region:

We were still waiting on the first baby of the new year in Bemidji at the time this article was posted. Stay tuned!


Gina Schubert gave birth to Lola Diana at 5:33 a.m. Her dad picked her first name and her middle name is after her grandma, which was a fun to share as a surprise. Watch the news story on West Dakota Fox News. Lola was the first baby born in Bismarck in 2018.

While he wasn’t the first baby to be born in Fargo, McMaster is one of the new year’s babies born in Fargo this year. He’s the fifth child of Glander and Michael George and his parents and siblings are so excited he’s here. Watch the news story on KVRR.

Sioux Falls
Stephanie Rogers went into labor while she was hosting a New Year’s Eve party. And Jeremiah was born shortly after. He’s the first baby born at Sanford Health in 2018. Read more on Keloland and see photos from the Argus Leader.

Posted In Children's, News